Mr Heater - BIG BUDDY

I've done some research, off and on for some time, and I even did get to see one up close and personal, and it performed quite well! I researched and hesitated about shelling out the bucks, tried to get an ebay deal, tried several times, could not get a deal that after shipping would beat the retail prices. I decided to break down and shell out the bucks, and our store was out, it took 2 more trips to Rural King before I found them in stock and I had the bucks to shell out. So when I finally did break down and shell out the bucks, I got the 20 lb propane tank, the adapter hose for the 20lb tank, and the heater...I think it was close to $200, after taxes etc..
Check out some of it's features..
The latest evolution in powerful and portable Heat is here!
* Cabins
* Patios/Decks
* Emergency Use - * See Survival Tool!! *
* RV's
* Picnics
* Workshops/Work Site
* Tailgate Parties
* Designed and approved for emergency indoor & outdoor use
* Automatic low oxygen shutoff system
* Accidental tip-over safety shutoff
* Heats up to 400 sq. ft.
* Connects directly to two 1 lb. disposable cylinders or to a 20 lb. cylinder w/optional hose
* CSA certified
This thing on "full throttle" is 18,000 BTUs, heats up to 400 square feet! (example 20x20 room) Well the "survival pod", will only end up being a 12 x 12 room, so this thing should "cook"!! Woohoo! Heat with NO power! It has a fan to blow the heated air out into the room, it works with NO electricity, 4 D cell batteries OR the electric adapter. I still have NOT had a "test" run yet, which I desperately need to do! I am waiting for some "expert" help from my "posse". I think this is one of the most important investments I made so far, I think this will keep us warm and hopefully we'll be able to "survive" the next extended power outage!
Here's a link to Mr Heater's Website:
Here's a link to the Owner's Manual:
I did come across a similar kind of heater made by Dyna-Glo. The Bigger unit for this one is 16,000 BTUs, it is similar in shape and size, and a bit cheaper in price.
DYNA-GLO HEATER RMC-1601SS Tag-A-Long 16000 BTU is the big unit and the smaller unit is RMC-8001SS Tag-A-Long is an 8,000 BTU, I think Home Depot carries them, I'm guessing the item may be a "seasonal" thing. So that's my "arsenal" of survival tools for extended power outages, but there are other items being "constructed" and purchases being considered.
The next projects to add and aid to my "arsenal" are: Windmill Generator, Big, Permanent Solar Collector/Heater (48" x 54", 200 cans!), and a BOB OR BOT (Bug Out Bag/Box or Bug Out Tote)
More to Come..Stay Tuned..