Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Very First Solar Heater Attempt

I did it! Well Sort of....
I attempted to make my very own solar heater...and it came out, fairly well, especially if you knew how Uncoordinated I am!! LOL I mean if you give me a PC, I can make it walk to the kitchen and fix you a sandwich!! BUT anything outside the PC world, I am a complete GREEN Banana!!

But here we go..I did attempt it..and this blog, is the Stu Process, which is NOT the way most knowledgeable folks would do with that in mind... I first had to go buy everything...since I'm not the construction guy or hobbyist I had absolutely nothing!

OK once it was all said and done, I guess I've got about $50 bucks of odds and ends here..stinking Styrofoam cost me $14 a sheet..cut it in a way, I can get 2 more heaters out of it..I guess that's not too bad.

It took me, what seemed like a week, to get this thing together, again not a PC, it's all green to me. The hardest part, for me, was getting the box together, when it comes to cutting Styrofoam, me and Styrofoam don't get along. But after awhile I did get kinda get the hang of it. I put my sides on, use the handyman's secret weapon duct tape (thanks Rich Allen), I did use the high temp mortar to seal everything up, cut the chicken wire to make the input and outlet ports. Also, laid the cans in (no cutting, no gluing, no special pattern, there to fill up the box. I tried to lay in some more cut chicken wire, to help hold the cans in. I put some eXtra screws in to help secure the chicken wire. I then got out my high temp black paint, and sprayed everything black, sprayed the walls, spray everything I could get to black! Then, I put more high temp mortar on the outer edge of the box, and laid the glass on top. I then, used the duct tape again, to seal the window to the box. I then I was ready for a I set the box up on it's side ..when

MY CANS MOVED! I guess I didn't have them in there, as tight as I you see one can that has almost made a 180! And there are some others that did a smaller turn, but not like that one that seems to be glowing! Well, it's not a good day to test, the sun was in and out all day long, but I did get one decent test! BTW, that's NOT a break in the upper corner (at first I thought so too) but it's the reflection of my elbow, when taking the picture..! Sorry! See the TREE!

I am in hot pursuit of a new "cleaner" thermometer, this one is as old as the hills! We've been living here 14+ years and it was here before we were. Soooooo.......the below temps are with a small window of sun, of about 10 to 15 minutes..that's it!

This is a brand new thermometer! But it's NOT exactly what I wanted. It doesn't start til 130!! What a RIP! So, this evening, I went searching!! And it took a long time, to find one that I wanted. I wanted one that starts at Zero! (Doesn't that make sense!!) I found one at Kmart, $12.99!! 13$ for a stinking thermometer!! I still can't believe it!! That's seems to be, 1000% over priced!! OK..yes I did hand it over.!!

GRID not so reliable anymore...

After a couple of times in the past, where we were without power for an extended period of time, once for 4 days, and another without power for 9 days!! And since, it has happen twice, it seems probable to me, that it's likely to happen again...

So my "ultimate" goal would be to get completely off of the GRID!! That would be sooo great! However, I'm NOT the carpenter, builder, electrician, or anything else that a pro level of knowledge, experience, and talent that I think is needed to complete the task!

However, I have begun to read, research, investigate, "do it yourself" heat, electricity, etc., in case the extended power outage returns.

I've been watching lots of videos on You Tube. Some I have found out, are "faked" and still some are legit. I've been really interested in the videos which pertain to the Rocket Stove and to the Solar Heaters..

The Rocket Stove is amazing!! It's been around for 10 years or so, some have been using the "power" of the Rocket Stove for some time. Two Videos that you should look at yourself are...

Redneck Rocket Stove

16 Brick Rocket Stove

I've watched them over and over again, and I still can not believe how a simple design can make such a hot, clean fire!

Also...Solar Heaters

These are simply amazing heaters!! So simple, yet so powerful! I have watched many videos of the Solar Heaters, 3 videos you need to watch for yourself! (there are several more!)

This is the one I attempted..more later..

220 degree solar air heater for $100


The first and last video listed, are from Rich Allen, I think he's a part time rocket scientist!! LOL!! Watch his other videos, and judge for yourself! But after watching that first video, he convinced, even me, that I could do it..!!

Until Next Time,

One Day Closer
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