Saturday, June 12, 2004

Saturday June 12th, 2004 -- Evening Report

I'm testing out some new software, I'm hoping this works!
I'm wanting to publish/update my blog from my desktop. I'm
hoping this will work, it seems to work very well so far.

After I play with it and get the hang of it, if I feel it worthy of
it's own blog, I will review it in a later blog.

This is all still very new to me! It seems like the thing to do!
But I'm still very early into it, things may change drastically
in the next few days. Just have to wait and see!

BTW - Tomorrow is Sunday, may I challenge you to get up and
go to church. As hard as it may be or seem, you 'll be glad you

Saturday - June 12th, 2004

Yep, It's Saturday again!

We all slept in late this morning. I thought I had to go to
church and help with the Brotherhood, but when I got down there
no one was there.

I, also, decided to take the Mustang on this journey. It's been
awhile since I 'fired it up" lately. It still sounds good!
You got to 'love' the Roarrrr of a Mustang.

We do like we all always do, we all played on the computer for
a time. Momma told us that we needed to go to the grocery store.

And it rained again. Seems like we have had alot of rain storms
as of late. Anyways, we are back home, getting ready for supper.

Momma is fixing ribs and baked potatoes. Yuuuummmmmmmy!

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