Xventure Hand Crank - Lantern, Flashlight, Radio

These are excellent! They use batteries, and can be hand cranked when those batteries die! The lantern has a builtin compass, and a 4 way switch, click once for 4 leds, twice for 8 leds, 3 times for 12 leds, and one more to turn it off! It is very bright, and on a single minute of cranking, you get a fairly long "light" time! The radio works great, it has am/fm/tv/weather bands, the same goes for it, great run time on a small amount of cranking. The Flashlight works great too, very, very bright.
We bought these at Kmart, the flashlight and the radio came in a set, I think the set was $14.99. The Lantern came by itself, and I think it was $14.99. For a little over $30 bucks, I think they are well worth it, and probably have already paid for themselves too!
As time allows, I would suggest investing in your own set of hand crank items, you never know when the time will come when they will come in handy!
Til Next Time..
One Day Closer...
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